Co-Teaching (Collaborative Teaching Model) Benefits Students Socially, Term Paper

Total Length: 852 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Co-Teaching (Collaborative Teaching Model) Benefits Students Socially, Academically or Behaviorally.

Co-teaching or collaborative teaching is a method of delivery that involves delivering instruction to students in a diverse environment. Typically two or more teachers are employed in a co-teaching classroom. At this point in time the literature available on co-teaching suggests that co-teaching may have positive effects on students, particularly from a social and academic viewpoint. However all of the authors surveyed suggested that further systematic and empirical studies must be explored to fully examine the benefits or negative effects co-teaching has on the classroom.

Murawski & Swanson (2001) conduct a meta analysis to synthesis data-based articles related to co-teaching. Specifically the researchers intent is to examine the effects co-teaching has on the general and special education personnel and students. In particular the professionals show interest in finding new methods for increasing teacher efficiency for meeting the needs of students including those with mild to moderate disabilities. One commonly adopted delivery service choice for special education teachers is a collaborative teaching model.

The researchers cite Cook & Friend (1995) who suggest that co-teaching may be defined as "two or more professionals delivering substantive instruction to a diverse or blended group of students in a single physical space" (Murawski & Swanson, 258). Alternate teaching methods according to Cook & Friend that are examined with respect to enhancing delivery include assistive teaching, parallel teaching, team teaching and alternative teaching.

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The results of the analysis conducted by Murawski and Swanson suggest that co-teaching is "moderately effective" for "influencing student outcomes" whether behaviorally, socially or academically (258). Among the more commonly cited benefits collaborative teaching has to offer both general and special education students according to the researchers include "positive social outcomes" (Murawski & Swanson, 258).

The researchers note however that at the time of the study little empirical research exited directly supporting collaborative teaching as a tool for improving academic outcomes. The authors conclude that additional research is necessary for co-teaching to be considered "a valid service delivery option" for special education students in particular (Murawski & Swanson, 258). Lastly the researchers note some problems with co-teaching include a lack of a clear definition between general and special education teachers as to what constitutes co-teaching, and other factors that may influence student success such as teacher personality.

Gerber & Popp (2000) in their article point out that despite a growing interest in collaborative teaching, little "systematic" evidence exists that supports whether this model of teaching is effective or not for raising student achievement (229). These researchers cite….....

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