Coca Cola the Coca-Cola Company Term Paper

Total Length: 2149 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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(About Bottling)

The Coca-Cola Company states that the people of its company and the brands that it manufactures are the two secrets for its continued success in the bottled drink-manufacturing sector. The primary goal of the company is to enrich its workplace; it states in its report about the company's workplace, wherein the primary focus is on the needs of the employees. The aim of creating a diverse workforce that pertains to the employees and the customers as well as the communities that are involved in the day-to-day working of the company. When this has been achieved, feels the management of the Coca-Cola Company, it would be possible to develop better ideas and also better brands, and eventually improve the services rendered to customers and its shareholders. These are the statistics about the workforce of the company: women make up more than 48.5% of the non-hourly employees, and 32.3% of the managers, and 38.0% of the sales force, while 30.2% of employees, 19.7% of the managers, and 21.0% of the sales representatives are from minority communities. (Our Workplace in the United States Report)

The issue of leadership development is also very important to the Coca-Cola Company, and it states in its report that it is the individual moments of connections between all the people who are employed by the Coca-Cola Company that makes up a typical working day in the company, and it is these moments that build up lasting relationships between the diverse workforce that keeps things moving.
This is why the company generally has as its primary focus the development of leadership qualities among its workforce, which will be achieved by motivation and encouragement. Continuous learning and the desire to improve every day and do better each day are the principles behind the motivational ideas of the company.

This is especially true in the case of the employees belonging to different and totally diverse communities from all over the world, and who must all work together for the common benefit of the company. Therefore, all the partnerships between the individuals must be of the best kind, and this would make them comprehend the method of aligning their work with the principles of the company in such a manner that would make them understand the various feedbacks and guidance and the teaching methods employed by the company in order to better their training. The team of 'Performance Managers' is entirely responsible for bringing this about. (Our Workplace in the United States Report)

To conclude, it can be said that the Coca-Cola Company, through its different strategies for the training and motivation of its employees who belong to quite diverse places of the world, has managed to achieve the status of being one of the foremost soft drink manufacturers in the whole world......

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