Cognitive Behavior Family Structure and Essay

Total Length: 703 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Interestingly using that age group 7-10 years, olds also helps the reader to understand the possible severity of this type of problem. The regression models showed that there were significant associations with income, mother's aptitude, as well as home environment. In addition, the differences between single parent family structures vs. two parent were evident. The researchers indicated that they utilized a richer fuller definition of family structure however; this was not clearly identified within this paper. This is a cause for concern, as their terms are not clearly outlined in this respect allowing the reader to possibly identify them independently. This does not allow for a clear understanding of the theoretical framework. Despite the significant findings one has to consider what other factors can be considered as having a possible influence on negative childhood outcomes. The researchers examined multiple family structures and diverse theoretical approaches; if the research was more focused, there may have been greater insight as to why these dynamics are occurring within the family structures.

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Despite this the study does indicate the importance of considering family structure as a key variable in understanding family as a societal group that can influence childhood outcomes based on it makeup. I believe that the author was on target.


We used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth to examine the effect of various family structures on behavioral and cognitive out-comes for children aged 7 to 10. We extended previous research by using a longitudinal definition of family structure and by exploring multiple mechanisms through which family structure may affect children in 2 outcome domains. We found that family income, mother's psychological functioning, and the quality of the home environment are particularly important for children's behavior, whereas family income and mother's aptitude have notable effects on children's cognitive test scores.

Family Structure and Children's Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes

Author(s): Marcia J. Carlson and Mary E. Corcoran Source: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 63, No. 3 (Aug., 2001), pp. 779-792Published by: National Council.....

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