Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Assessment Developing Intervention Dissertation or Thesis Complete

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Assessment - Developing Intervention

Cognitive-behavioral therapy assessment developing intervention

This intervention addresses the case of Chaney Allen as a subject and incorporates group CBT as well as journaling. Allen's case would have been helped by community CBT because in addition to needing help on a personal level, she also needed community support -- both to help in combating her depression and addiction and in order to have emotional resources for raising her children. This Treatment Plan incorporates writing into CBT, in order to help participants process the characteristics of their addiction, change their perceptions and visualize positive choices.

Develop an assessment according to DSM-IV-TR diagnosis. In the analysis, discuss any automatic thoughts and core beliefs that Chaney Allen, possibly could have had.

Treatment Plan:

Initial assessment:

Session 1: Introduction to CBT

During this session, CBT would be explained and an overview of the following sessions would be given. Emphasis would be placed on empowering individuals to make decisions to change their behavior. An analogy to culture shock could be used here in order to help patients understand the stages of recovery. Participants would first be asked to journal about a time when they moved to a new place or traveled somewhere and stayed there for a few weeks. They would be asked to describe first impressions of the experience, how they felt when they began to see the negative as well as the positive sides of the setting, and how they overcame culture shock. Then the facilitator would describe how recovering from addiction can follow the same stages: excitement about the decision to change, happiness about overcoming initial obstacles, frustration with new challenges, and dealing with disappointment as a result of relapse. Finally, just as with culture shock, a person optimally comes to terms with the situation, finds balance, and continues the journey.

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It should be mentioned that some people give up when faced with culture shock and they return to their original place without having experienced the final stage. But people who experience culture shock are much more likely to succeed in acculturating and understanding the target culture if they have a community of travelers with them who understand their experiences and feelings.

This strategy would be well understood by Allen as she made major changes in her life when she decided to travel from Alabama to Ohio at a young age. These two places have significantly different cultures, and she would surely have experienced culture shock.

Session 2: cravings and urges

In this session, participants would be asked to describe any cravings and/or urges they had. Again, they would begin by journaling to describe the situation in as much detail as possible. Then they would share with someone in the group or out loud to the whole group. Next, participants would make a collective chart of circumstances, documenting when, where, and why they had these cravings. This list would be copied for each participant so that they could post it somewhere in their home as a preventative measure. This approach has two advantages: 1, the participant would begin to heighten her awareness of the instances when cravings occur, and therefore be more mentally prepared for them, 2, participants would be able to visualize other members in their group who have these cravings, which would help them feel less alone.

Session 3: crisis management

At the beginning of this session, participants would begin by drawing symbols or a sketch to illustrate a recent crisis that they have experienced recently. Around the perimeter of the illustration, participants would be asked to draw symbols to show what resources they need or wished they'd had at the time.....

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