How Cognitive Psychology With Cognitive Restructuring Impacts Rape Victims Literature Review

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Cognitive Restructuring on Rape Victims

Recently, the growing numbers of research have been focused on psychological trauma which can be caused by physical, sexual and life threatening events. The survivors of traumatic events would exhibit great variation of symptoms, especially, self-blaming, guilt, negative beliefs about self and others, cognitive distortions, and inaccurate thoughts related to their traumatic experiences. Sobel, Resick and Rabalais (2009) proposed a cognitive processing therapy (CPT) to reduce the posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and increase the positive thought and accurate cognition of the survivors. In this seminal paper, they reviewed the literature, classified the syndromes before and after the CPT, reported the statistical results and suggested a cognitive restructuring method. Cognitions are assessed using coding and analyzing the participants' statements before and after the therapy and the scaling systems used are the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale and PTSD Symptom Scale. They scaled two cognitive processes, accommodation, and assimilation adopting the cognitive processing theories of McCann and Pearlman (1990), and Resick and Schnicke (1993).These studied suggested assimilation or accommodation processes occurs when individuals are confronted with new information that is inconsistent with previous cognitive experiences.

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Accommodation involves the modification of existing schemas to incorporate new events and information. Although accommodation is essential to integrate new information and previous information, over accommodation would have some negative effects in the aspect of overgeneralization and inaccurate cognition. Assimilation is defined as incorporating or altering the new information to fit into preexisting cognitive structures. The threat for assimilation is previous assumptions (e.g., self-blame). The writes scaled the changes in assimilation, accommodation and overaccomodation in the aspects of agency, safety, trust, power, esteem, and intimacy before and after the CPT. It was hypothesized that CPT would be associated with reductions in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and problematic (i.e., assimilated and overaccommodated) thoughts as well as increases in the number of realistic (i.e., accomodation) cognitions. Thirty-seven female rape survivors were evaluated.

The tools were the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and the PTSD Symptom Scale (PSS). The CAPS is….....

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