Colonialism Vs. Independence Although Some Term Paper

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Moreover, some, like the former Italian Somaliland, are written off as failed states where terrorism flourishes (Johnson pp). Uganda and Kenya, that were once considered paradises are now increasingly poor and dangerous (Johnson pp). Black majority rule has failed virtually everywhere, and rapid population growth, indebtedness, and diseases such as AIDS, have brought additional misery, however, the main failure has been political (Johnson pp).

Many of these countries, such as Somalia, would definitely benefit under colonialism (Johnson pp). Yet the type of colonialism of the past would be difficult if not impossible to recreate, simply because the conditions are not the same, such as the security of the economic process, in which commerce could be conducted safely (Johnson pp). However, the U.N, Security Council could vote to declare a territory, such as Somalia where government no longer exists and international terrorists flourish, a failed state and direct one of its members to exercise sovereignty until it became possible to create an effective government from the local population (Johnson pp).

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Although the cost and responsibility would be great, it may be necessary in order to rid the present anarchy and international terrorism (Johnson pp).


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