Company XX Fitness Located in Atlanta GA Essay

Total Length: 546 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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company XX FITNESS LOCATED IN ATLANTA GA *What company's mission? *What vision? Does ? *What values operating principles? *Are company's mission/vision/values published? *How discussed daily

The company I will be dealing with is XX Fitness, located in Atlanta, Georgia. The company's mission is to provide affordable fitness services. The company's vision is to continuously increase its outreach and increase the number of individuals on which the services that the company provides make an impact.

There are several values that the company shares. First, it aims to provide affordable services. The belief that the company has is that fitness should be a given right that people should be able to enjoy, no matter what their social condition or their place in the world. In the management's perception, allowing lower prices would mean that a larger targeted group of potential consumers can be reached.

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It would also mean that the company's revenues can be significantly higher, with a combination of higher volume at lower prices.

At the same time, the company believes in corporate social responsibility as a value that it promotes with its employees and other stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility is seen by the organization as a way to interact with the community, to be in touch with what is going on and to be able to respond to some of the challenges that the community faces. As such, the company is involved in developing local projects, either by offering small financial grants or by actually developing the project with the company's own resources.

There are several parts to the company's strategy. First of all, one of its strategic objectives is to have a….....

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"Company XX Fitness Located In Atlanta GA", 29 February 2012, Accessed.2 June. 2024,