Compare and Contrast Picture Exchange Communication System With Other Communications Systems Research Paper

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PECS and Autism


Comparison and Contrast: Picture Exchange Communication System

Autism is a developmental disorder of communication skills, caused by abnormalities in the brain or nervous system. Symptoms usually surface in the first 3 years of life. Treatments are in the form of picture communication systems, medication, diets and social interaction. The most effective appears to be the PECS, which treats in six phases. It has advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Autism and Treatments

Autism is a developmental disorder in the brain and communication skills (Kaneshiro & Zieve, 2012). The causes of this physical abnormality remain unknown, although genetic factors seem important. Language abnormalities among the relatives of autistic children are a common observation. Chromosomal and nervous system abnormalities have also been observed. Autism becomes evident in the first 3 years of life. Most autistic children have difficulty in pretending play, social interactions, and verbal and nonverbal communication (Kaneshiro & Zieve).

Successful treatment is focused on the child's specific needs (Kaneishiro & Zieve,

2012). Approaches include applied behavior analysis or ABA, Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children or TEACCH, medications, diet, occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language therapy. Visual aids are also found to be helpful (Kaneishiro & Zieve). Alternative approaches have also been developed, such as the Picture Exchange Communication System.


This is an augmentative and alternative communication or AAC, which uses images instead of speech communication techniques, for the purpose of helping autistic children speak (Prontes, 2012; PEC, 2012). The child hands a picture to a communication partner or teacher for the represented item. It provides the child with a functional outlet of expressing what he normally conveys by speaking. It can be used with a child as early as 2 years old in helping him initiate conversation and express his needs to the others. The observation is that the child's condition tends to lessen as his ability to communicate increases. Using this system allows the child to talk about things to which the child is already exposed in his actual environment.

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As an ABA approach, PECS enables careful monitoring and positive reinforcement techniques necessary in teaching behavioral steps and practices (Prontes, PEC).

Six Phases

The first phase initiates the communication process (Prontes, 2012; PEC, 2012). The child is led to choose a picture on the table and to move it to the partner or teacher's hand in order to obtain the represented item. The teacher's physical guidance ceases. The second phase teaches distance and persistence. A communication book is presented to the child with a picture on the cover. He locates it and brings to the partner or teacher in exchange for the actual object. The third phase distinguishes between pictures or symbols. The child is shown a picture of his selected item and a second picture of a non-preferred object. He exchanges the pictures and receives the corresponding actual object. If he chooses his preferred item, he receives an animated social reinforcement. But if he exchanges this with a non-preferred item, an error correction sequence comes up. If he distinguishes between the items, correspondence checks are made to assure that his choice corresponds to his choice. Multiple desired items are introduced, thereby increasing the number of pictures presented to the child. The fourth phase begins using sentence structure with a new visual "I want," intended to teach sentences to the child. A sentence strip is placed on the cover of the communication book. The child is led to place the "I want" strip on the picture of the item or object he desires, remove and then exchange the strip. The partner or teacher shows the strip to the child and reads the phrase to him. Then the child is given the actual desired item. The fifth phase answers direct questions, such as "what do you want?" The child is taught how to answer these questions. And the sixth and last phase aims at building the capability to comment. The child….....

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