Computer Science MS Degree Application Term Paper

Total Length: 797 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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I have a knack for computer science/web design. In middle school, my uncle showed me how to upgrade the memory on my desktop computer. It was not long before I was installing systems, detecting and resolving computer issues and replacing hard drives on laptops. My first course at (name university) continued this interest with projects using Perl, CGI and PHP. Later, I added Macromedia Flash for animation to my repertoire and then Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to be able to design a more aesthetic user interface. After graduation, I added Ajax, cold fusion, ASP, xml, JavaScript, CSS, RSS to my talents. Working in a business setting, I learned the importance of meeting the client's varied needs and expectations, explaining the different technologies and staying on task.

At (name of university), I would like to pursue the master's topic "Security Issues for the Use of Semantic Web in E-Commerce under (names of professors). The semantic web is a vision of data computers use to perform more of the tedious work involved with finding, sharing and combining information on the web. The first step is to define the relationship between pieces of data: A layer of semantic information must be added over existing content to make it accessible by machines.

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The next step concerns the development of new security concepts and methods that are capable of handling semantics. Ontologies are used to store important and confidential data and guard against unauthorized access, which includes the enforcement of special access control restraints and handling trust issues between communicating parties.

After obtaining my MS, my career goal is setting up my own well-established web design business for the development of sites using semantics and other arriving technologies. The experience I gain in the (university name's) MIS program will provide me with a clearer direction on how best to utilize the concepts and innovations in my field. The curriculum will provide a stronger foundation for my successful future endeavors.

Tim Berners-Lee opened the door of opportunity for anyone who has the desire to take the latest technologies and incorporate them into user friendly and informational websites. The World Wide Web is a complex, ever-evolving infrastructure that will always provide me with new challenges......

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