Confined Space Electrodes Chromium Essay

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Confined Space, Electrodes, Chromium

Confined spaces

A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not primarily designed or intended for human occupancy, it has a restricted entrance or exit by way and size, fined spaces as well poor ventilation. Confined spaces can be below or above ground, it can be found in almost any workplace. A confined space, despite its name, is not necessarily small. Examples of confined spaces include silos, vats, hoppers and utility vaults.

The AWS defined confined spaces as having limited space and modes of ingress and egress as well as poor ventilation (American Welding Society, 2003a). While the NIOSH defined confined spaces as sufficient space enough for a person to enter and conduct work, limited means of entry and exit, and does not suit continuous employment. The AWS definition is more restricted than that of the broader (Hammer & Price, 2001).

Safety measures that have been recommended by (America Welding Society) AWS before and while working in confined spaces dealt with ensuring ventilation and securing a means of exit as responsibilities or roles of the company. The AWS recommended that only machines necessary in conducting work should be in the confined space, modes of exit should be open and accessible at all times, ventilation systems should be in place, modes of turning of gases and fumes inside and outside of the confined space should have exist, all materials that could cause danger should be removed from the confined space, and safety personnel should be readily available (American Welding Society, 2003a). The recommendation of NIOSH is more general and involving the role of regulatory bodies in ensuring confined spaces.


Chromium is a chemical element with a symbol of Cr and atomic No of 24. It is the first element in group 6 while Nickel is also a chemical element with a symbol of Ni with atomic number of 28 it is silvery white, lustrous metal with golden tinge.

Fumes from welding activities comprise small particles formed after the condensation of vaporized metal in the air which are visible. The health impacts from the welding fumes depend on the particular metal components of the fumes. Impacts on health can be short or long-term. Short-term impacts are akin to the symptoms of flue. Long-term effects include damage to the lungs or the nerve system. These health effects emerge from inhaling welding fumes that primarily affect the respiratory system. The most dangerous chemicals when inhaled are Chromium, Manganese and Nickel that are components of stainless steel. Inhalation of chromium in welding fumes can cause respiratory. Nickel also has bad effects on the functioning of the respiratory system, liver and kidney as well as allergic reactions. Manganese has bad neurological effects and can cause Manganese with similar symptoms as Parkinson's disease. (Kaehn et al., 2008)

Most of the organizations recommend safety measures concerning the elements. American Welding Society (2003b) recommended that employees doing welding work on stainless steel and other metals with Chromium and Nickel should wear mouth, nose and head covering to prevent direct inhalation of fumes and gases. There should also be sufficient exhaust or ventilation system in the workroom, sampling of the air is necessary to determine the air safety and conduct solutions which are needed, in the workspace. Available protective gear is necessary to maintain low levels of exposure to these welding fumes.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (2008) in the United Kingdom recommended the implementation controls in workplaces involving welding i.e. installation of a local ventilation….....

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