Construct a Team, Excluding Project Manager, 5 Essay

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construct a team, excluding project manager, 5 memebers, basic skilled. extensive outsourcing. Overtime allowed a 1 meeting .

Project Management

Delphi Printers and Peripherals is a leading firm activating the field of telecommunications and information technology, within the specific niche of printers and peripheral products. The organization has consolidated its position through the high quality of its products, as well as the creation and enforcement of a strong company image.

Today, Delphi Printers and Peripherals is developing a new printer, that would operate at quality standards superior to those of any of the previous products. Still, this endeavor is overshadowed by the fact that one of Delphi's primary competitors is currently creating a similar product, which would soon be launched within the market.

In this context, it is the desire of Delphi Printers and Peripherals to speed up the production process, in order to ensure that they come to launch their printer before the competition.

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This objective is important to be attained in order to ensure that the company benefits from the advantage of the first launch and the first presence within the market; this will allow it to create a leadership position within the market.

At a more detailed level, it is necessary for the firm to create the printer quicker and leapfrog the new product announcement of the competitor. In this direction, emphasis would be placed on ramping the manufacturing and marketing operations. From the financial standpoint, the team would focus on a lean cost structure, which would allow the company to sell the product for high profit margins.

In order to attain the pre-established objective,….....

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