Consumer Needs and Marketing Essay

Total Length: 725 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Q - Take a position between “marketing shapes consumer needs and wants” versus “marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers” and justify your position.Many of the most ubiquitous products used today, such as smartphones, did not exist at the beginning of the century. Apple’s founder Steve Jobs famously said: “we never hire consultants, per se. We just want to make great products” (Martin, 2022, par.4). The founder of Ford Motors, Henry Ford, said that if he had asked consumers what they wanted, they would merely have asked for faster horses (Martin, 2022). While companies can identify needs, such as a desire to communicate more quickly and share images and words (and even to have fancier and sleeker technology in their pockets), or a desire for more affordable and faster transportation, companies must also take an aggressive role in shaping those needs and wants by demonstrating how their products satisfy those needs better than competitors, and in unique and engaging ways (including through improved technology).Companies that merely reflect the basic needs and wants of consumers, such as for cheaper products, or fast and convenient meals, are apt to fall behind trends or be outmaneuvered by competitors with similar value propositions, even if there are core, basic needs that seem to drive all consumer behaviors (Breschi, 2022).
Apple was not only a first-mover in the smartphone market, but has been unique and visionary in the ways in which it has given consumers…

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…always necessary to market to consumers, even to loyal ones, so they are not drawn to other organizations or substitutions. Needs must be addressed and satisfied.But consumers may have changing needs, or needs they are currently unaware of, or which companies may wish to create by promoting new technology. There must be give and take between marketers and consumers. If a new product is simply not something consumers think is worth its promised value, or is too similar or inferior to substitutes or goods already on the market, it will be difficult for even the most effective marketing to win consumers over. On the other hand, good marketing, and a product that addresses or raises awareness about a need, and which connects….....

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