Control and Ownership in Cloud Research Proposal

Total Length: 678 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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The greatest degree of security in cloud computing, however, is not found within the hosted, on-demand variety but rather within on-site cloud computing products and servers. Despite the oxymoronic nature of this concept, such products actually exist and allow a degree of security and data ownership far surpassing hosted cloud computing services, since the need for any third party intervention is eliminated by the server, supporting infrastructure and all applicable hardware being contained, managed, and accessed on an enterprises' own grounds. On-site cloud computing utilizes the same architecture that the hosted kind does, meaning it allows software and platforms to be offered as services while providing virtual data back-up and storage.

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There is never a need to question the specific ownership of the data, since it is all onsite and very obviously the property of a particular enterprise. The measures of security to reinforce such information are all in-house as well. The primary distinction between onsite and hosted cloud computing is that the former requires a greater emphasis on a company's information technology team to upgrade, repair, and propagate the efficient running of the cloud, which is still accessed by employees and even by an enterprise's customers, if it so chooses, while retaining full ownership of data......

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