Corona Viruses Are the Largest Term Paper

Total Length: 1605 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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The CoV was responsible for the spread of respiratory illness during 2002-03. Phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple incongruent association linkages between the phylogenies of rhinolophid bats and their CoVs which indicated that hosts shifts have happened in the new evolutionary history of this group. These shifts might be because of either virus biological traits or host behavioral traits. These revelations "have insinuations for the emergence of SARS and also for the potential forthcoming outbreak of SARS- CoVs or associated viruses." (Cui; Han; Streicker; Li, et. al, 2007) SARS CoVs was identified as the etiological agent.
These incidents and the identification of SARS-CoVs in animals linked with the wildlife trade in southern China have resulted in revival of interest in CoVs of different types. This revival resulted in the finding of 2 new human CoVs and presence of CoVs like SARS in horseshoe bats. (Cui; Han; Streicker; Li, et. al, 2007)

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N.A. (2007) "Corona Viruses: Introduction" Retrieved 8 December, 2007 at

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