Counseling and Psychotherapy Confidentiality Jessica Case Study

Total Length: 818 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The counselor must move her away from playing the victim. Her situation is extremely unfortunate, but she and her parents must make amends and learn to effectively deal with the situation. Lastly, differentiation of self could prove to be quite useful. Jessica needs to become more of an independent thinker in order to value her existence. This will make her a more responsible young lady who can think for herself, make informed decisions and not always seek the approval of others.


In order for Jessica's counselor to maintain self-awareness, on-going training must be undertaken on a regular basis to keep up with the growing trends in psychology. The counselor must be careful not to allow personal biases to interfere and should allow Jessica some level of autonomy to keep her engaged and interested in her progress (Ryan and Deci 2008).

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Tang, Addison, LaSure-Bryant et. al feel that self-efficacy plays an important role in counseling because it assists professionals in gaining success and confidence (2004).

There are many counseling options for Jessica. To steer her in the right path, she needs to feel a sense of trust and security and that her counselor is familiar with the environment she comes from. Her counselor must also possess expertise in the field of family counseling because Jessica will need the support of her family to succeed. An experience counselor who is self-aware is what Jessica will need to begin the path of recovery......

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