Counter Measurers and Neutralization of Weapons of Mass Destruction Research Proposal

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Countermeasures and Neutralization of Weapons of Mass Destruction

At this intricate turn of the 21st century, one of the most pertinent issues at hand is that of national and international security. Humanity has come a long way in augmenting the value of life through so many miraculous technologies, but unfortunately man has simultaneously developed certain instruments that are particularly questionable and hence a threat to the life we envision. Today the world all over is ever vulnerable to large-scale attacks conducted via such abominable technologies. These weapons of mass destruction are chemical, nuclear, radiological and even biological agents, which have evolved in the hands of many countries through the years, and their possession by hostile states or terrorist organizations is a grave cause of concern for all those people who claim to support the concept of security. (The White House 2007) As such countermeasures against prospective threats to security and neutralization of the ever imminent threat to humanity is something that each of us must pay close attention to, so that we can promise our future generations a world where each life is as priceless as it ought to be. The purpose of this report hence is to identify the various means of neutralization that we can employ to guard against such weapons and study their feasibility through a practical lens.

In order to understand what we must do to ensure protection against weapons of mass destruction, we must first scrutinize the many adverse effects that they can bear upon our world. Any intelligent countermeasure requires deep foresight into the worst case scenario, for that alone can prepare a person or a nation for that matter to prevent or recover from an extensive WMD attack. Until recently, the development of such countermeasures was considered the domain of defense sectors primarily, but with the passage of time, it has become evident that contributions are sought from medical and civilian arenas in order to fight this evil. Large scale collaboration from all institutions is required to make this mission a reality. What we ultimately need to accomplish is the provision of proper research and development with respect to combating possible terrorism. These efforts should be further streamlined into sections such as surveillance, detection, diffusion, forensics, and mitigation of WMD attacks. Such classification of efforts alone will organize a mass movement against the illegitimate usage of such obscure technologies. This multi-agency structure will not only strengthen security but also eliminate all chances of WMD threat in the first place. (Blackmon 2008) We need to look within ourselves and prepare against the worst, only to make sure the worst never gets to transpire; we must eradicate any possible loophole that may facilitate consequential atrocities to occur.

According to the CBNRC Subgroup, the four prime sections of notice are information resources whereby proper education as to countermeasures shall be imparted, detection whereby threats shall be identified, protection whereby adversities shall be minimized, and finally consequence management whereby a full recovery shall be ensured. (Blackmon 2008) In short there is a dire need to spread awareness regarding this issue, recognize areas that need attention, cushion the impact of the worst and train in proper risk management. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) seconds this pattern of research by identifying the areas that need perfecting: WMD countermeasures ought to be based on sensing and recognition which entails exploration into the field, protection which obviously entails the utilization of trained personnel, advanced resources and purpose-built infrastructure, cognition and information science which is meant to create social awareness as per the issue, and lastly improving the capability to actually defeat WMDs and attain good riddance so that such problems never occur in the first place. (Defense Threat Reduction Agency n.d.)

Research in the afore mentioned departments has been vigorously conducted as well as upgraded, but the fact of the matter is that things look far simpler on paper than they do out on the field.

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We must identify the feasibility of all such efforts and also develop them by pragmatic means. Usage of WMDs by state and non-state actors can lead to a multitude of social, environmental, and health-oriented predicaments. There should be ample investment in creating a stronghold of a country which can effectively guard against consequences such as the release of toxins, the spread of diseases, radiological/nuclear mutations, inadequate dispersal and haphazard public support. Short-term and long-term measures of neutralization must be implemented upon so as to secure people against anticipated catastrophes. Moreover methods of sheltering and evacuation in times of need should be foolproof and well rehearsed. (Nuclear Energy Agency 2003)

As important as this issue is, there is wide spread belief that more heed needs to be paid to countering weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, further areas that must be worked aggressively upon are provision of support in the form of transportation, consultation and support in case of trauma. Efforts should not only be confined to the sites of attack but at the very grass roots so that a national sentiment is consolidated for internal support. Rallying efficient response from the civil sector is perhaps half the triumph over any danger to sovereignty. Thus, food provision must be conducted according to certain authentic and certifiable standards and medical insurance must be assured for all possible victims of a WMD attack. Ultimately the focus of such efforts must not be myopic, that is developed countries of the world must come together not only to exchange their superior ideologies regarding protection, but also lending a helpful hand towards third-world countries which cannot afford to invest in all of these efforts themselves. (Nuclear Energy Agency 2003)

According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative, there is an ominous and immediate need to improve such measures so as to synchronize all of these hypothetical maneuvers and prioritize against a world ever vulnerable to terrorist attacks. There is first and foremost an effectual need for leadership which can focus all the strategies towards where they are needed, and implement them as effectively as possible. (Nuclear Threat Initiative 2010) A learned authority figure must charge his troops against the forces that can endanger the lives of people in his jurisdiction. This authority figure is also meant to supervise the flow of consistent funding and well distributed investment in all associated departments in order to make sure that all conceived strategies are reliable and long-term in product. He must focus on the economic, social, geographical and physical disbursement associated with full fledge strategizing. This way allotment of medical, defense and civilian personnel in related areas will ensure that neutralization of weapons of mass destruction becomes a project that the whole country can identify with. It will no longer be an isolated effort that people fail to relate to, or comprehend the importance of; in fact it will become a vision, the realization of which shall truly change the face of the Earth as we know it.

As has already been mentioned, prioritizing this issue requires research and development in many areas, most of which have been covered in this thesis. The basic problem is to monitor actual implementation in areas of concern. It may sound farfetched, but all possible angles of an anticipated attack must be studies in detail and personnel must be trained to respond to various case studies so that if ever the time arises, they know exactly what is required of them. For it is sinister but true that when a terrorist organization may attack they will not streamline their attack but target each and every single area of the nation's well being.

Neutralization of WMDs and Countermeasure Development against such techniques has to, therefore, be a worldwide effort whereby all relevant parties join hands to make absolutely sure that all hypothetical situations will actually go on to prepare a country….....

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