Course Concepts A Reflection Essay

Total Length: 747 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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DISCUSSION BOARD 7Discussion Board 7IntroductionFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that this particular course has been instrumental in the broadening of my perspectives on a wide range of concepts that could come in handy in practice settings. With this in mind, there would be need to summarize some of the said concepts. In so doing, I will essentially be highlighting what I deem most important among the concepts I came across.DiscussionOne of the very first things that one realizes upon reflecting about the concepts encountered throughout the course is that great progress has been made in as far as the integrity and ethics in the medical profession is concerned. Indeed, ethics and integrity in this particular profession are now taken very seriously. A good example to illustrate this assertion would be the past deployment of frameworks to informed consent and autonomy, amongst other things. On this front, I was specifically intrigued by informed consent owing to its relevance in efforts to ensure that the patient is a key stakeholder in the care process. The various ethical standards and principles that I got to learn of in the course could be instrumental in efforts to further enhance decision making in real-life clinical settings. For instance, in line with the principle of nonmaleficence, we are called upon to ensure that the decisions we made do not occasion any harm to the patient.
It should also be noted that yet another method that could come in handy in decision…

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…fully addressed. Thanks to the course, I came to be familiar with some of the said challenges including, but not limited to; disparities that exist in healthcare in as far as access to care is concerned. The cost of care also remains rather high. Some of the strategies that have been proposed in the past to reign in these concerns have not been as effective. With the knowledge I acquired from the course about these interventions, i.e. Medicare and Medicaid, I am now capable of proposing a raft of other measures that could be deployed in efforts to rein in the challenges identified. This I could accomplish via the authorship of op-ed pieces, etc. One such solution, which the course helped me gain better grasp of,….....

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