Creation Account Is Focused on Essay

Total Length: 1680 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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(Radhakrishnan, 1953)

The Indian deity also preoccupied himself with creating most famously the Ganges.

The Chinese tale too has symbols of China (specifically the turtle) ("She used the molten rock to patch the holes in the sky, and she used the four legs of a giant turtle to support the sky again" (Walls & Walls, 1984) Aside from which, note that all names of gods are typically Chinese.

The acts of the Creation generated an entire world with a host of nations and geographical environments. Each of the narrative accounts however focus on a sliver of land, usually the land lived in by the author / authors of the narrative.

The author's purpose in centering in and focusing the tale around one specific country may simply reflect the fact that for primitive people born, living, and dying on one specific part of earth, this was all they knew. For people in those days, the world was their country, and their country was the world.
It was all they knew. They didn't have the advanced technology that we have to travel around or see greater parts of the world. They may have known their neighboring nations at best, or countries that they encountered on their relatively limited voyages. This was still, however, within a circumscribed very limited perimeter of geographical space. Creation myths, therefore, centered almost entirely on their nation.


Each country had a similar narrative on creation of the world but analysis of these narratives shows us that almost always creation of the world centered on creation of one small plot of land, almost always their own nation. For ancient people, the world often was their own country. That (and their neighboring countries) was all they knew. It was the focus of their existence. It therefore made sense that the Deity had been preoccupied with their birth......

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