Crew Resource Management Essay

Total Length: 916 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Crew resource management can basically be described as a series of training processes that are used in environments that are prone to human error that contribute to devastating effects. These procedures have become critical in the aviation industry since they are used to enhance air safety through addressing interpersonal communication, decision making, and leadership in the cockpit. Since its inception, crew resource management has actually contributed to statistically a safer aeronautical environment. This has been achieved through incorporation of digitally enabled technology, mathematics proficiency, and analysis techniques. These techniques are used to interpret data in order to draw valid conclusions and solved associated problems.

Analysis of Crew Resource Management:

The understanding of how crew resource management has enhanced air safety or improved the aeronautical environment can be achieved through the use of quantitative reasoning in analysis. Quantitative reasoning can be defined as the use and application of quantitative concepts and methods in solving real world problems. While these concepts include statistics, math, geometry and algebra, the associated methods or techniques include charting, spreadsheets, technology, and graphing to construct the concepts.

Before the development of crew resource management, the aviation industry was characterized with numerous concerns regarding safety because of the prevailing human error that was causing aviation disasters ("Crew Resource Management," 2003). The various stakeholders in this sector embarked on a lengthy, tough, and sometimes hostile journey to transform behaviors and traditions in order to lessen the probability of repeat tragedies.
These efforts resulted in the development and adoption of crew resource management as a mantra more than three decades ago.

Following its inception, crew resource management highlighted the aviation sector to the human interactions that are crucial parts of any team performance. Through the use of crew resource management techniques and tools, airplane crews can avoid, control, and lessen human errors ("Making Air Travel Safer," 2014). In addition, these techniques and processes enhance the morale of crew members and improve the efficiency of operations. Generally, crew resource management provides work groups with a structure to process all information and develop action plans. While the leader reserves the ultimate authority, the processes inputs from the crew members provide more accurate and efficient decisions.

CRM and a Safer Aeronautical Environment:

As previously mentioned, crew resource management has actually led to statistically a safer aeronautical environment. Even though it is difficult to evaluate how many lives have been saved or crashes that have been averted due to CRM training, the Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) statistics show that 98% of all flights face one or more safety threats with an average of four threats per flight. LOSA data also indicates that 82% of all flights have errors with an average of 2.8 errors per flight. Based on the outstanding safety….....

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