Cricket Controversy in South Africa: Thesis

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It was often said: "Sport is a religion in South Africa…South Africa is the most sports-mad country in the world" (Anderson et al. 2004).South Africa was banned from the Olympic Games in 1964 because it would only permit whites to represent the nation, on the grounds that only whites could become citizens. FIFA (Federation of International Football Associations) suspended South Africa in 1960 and then finally expelled the national team from competition permanently in 1976. But the more rarefied sports of rugby and cricket were slower to react. These sports were often criticized by anti-apartheid activists within South Africa because unlike football, there were few examples of interracial play under apartheid, given the greater expense and the class as well as racial barriers that existed within these sports.

The end of apartheid has exhibited swift changes in South African cricket: recently, black African Makhaya Ntini recently participated in his historic 100th five-day test match for South Africa.
Growing up under the apartheid regime, Ntini could only dream of being a shepherd, given that black Africans were prohibited from entering most recreational facilities. Until he was 15, Ntini was considered a "second-class human being," now he is a legendary cricketer playing a celebrated 100th test match (Richards 2009). The rivalry between England and South Africa is one of the most closely-contested in all of sport: "Of the seven series played since South Africa's return to world cricket in the early 1990s, two have been drawn and the other five won by a single match -- two by England, three by South Africa" and Ntini proudly represented his nation (Richards 2009). He was able to do so, at least in part, because England was so vigilant in combing a strong human rights stance with a belief in good sportsmanship in cricket during the years of apartheid.


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