Crime Reduction the Decline of Essay

Total Length: 314 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

The broken windows concept likely did contribute to crime reduction in New York City; the fact that a specific focus on "quality-of-life" and nuisance crimes roughly coincided with the introduction of Compstat makes it even harder to credit each with its specific effects, much less exclusively.

3. The Ethics of Civilian Field Research in Policing:

In principle, there is nothing unethical about observing public servant at work with their knowledge.
However, numerous ethical issues can and do arise, including multiple elements of confidentiality, safety, and several different aspects of fairness to officers, members of the public, and arrestees. Most of those ethical issues are directly and effectively addressable through specific guidelines and protocols. Therefore, civilian research observation of police officers in the field can be conducted ethically to….....

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