Crime Scene Investigation: A Homicide Crime Has Essay

Total Length: 954 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Crime Scene Investigation:

A homicide crime has just occurred at a convenience gas station that included the presence of an employee, a mother, and her 15-year-old son who were witnesses of the crime. Upon arrival at the crime scene as a crime scene investigator at 3a.m, I found the deceased victim with an obvious gunshot wound in the chest as the first officer informed me of the present witnesses. As a crime scene investigator, my primary responsibility is the processing of tasks that are related to latent print work. Consequently, my responsibility does not involve any interviews since I'm not the case detective.

Items to Process for Latent Impressions:

While carrying out responsibilities associated with latent print work and other related tasks, there are various items that can be used processed for latent impressions. Upon arrival at this crime scene, I noticed that the scene had already been secured, integrity precautions and procedures were already established, and the necessary measurements had been taken. There are eight visible fixed and non-moveable items in the crime scene that can be considered for processing latent impressions.

The fixed, non-moveable items that I will process for latent impressions are the ripped open cardboard carton on the floor in front of the counter and the typical cardboard six pack container of cold beer bottles on the floor near the beer cooler. These two items are no-moveable items because there is no clear link that they could were significant in the homicide crime.

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They may be items that the criminal found at the scene of the incident and didn't use them to conduct his/her offense.

The processing for latent impressions at this scene of homicide crime will use two major techniques or processes i.e. porous and non-porous processing techniques. The porous processing technique will be carried out on items like the cardboard carton, notebook paper with the crude map and directions, and the typical cardboard six pack container of cold beer bottles. On the other hand, the non-porous processing technique will be used on the blue steel revolver and the spent bullet since they are the only non-porous items. However, the processing for latent impressions at this crime scene will mainly involve the use of the porous processing techniques.

Since the eight items are significant in the investigation of the crime, all of them will be processed for latent impressions. Processing each of these eight items for latent impressions would be crucial in acquiring necessary information that could be helpful in the arrest of the criminal. Generally, items that can be used for latent processing include porous items like cardboard and paper, non-porous items like metal, blood and paint impressions, digital files, sticky tape, and bullet casings. All the eight items will be processed for latent impressions since they will help in producing fingerprints of the individuals involved in the crime.

The processing….....

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