Criminal Behavior Ethical Principle in Discussion Chapter

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05 under Resolving Ethical Issues in corporate situations is apt.

One Research Standard in the "Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research"

The one research standard that stands out as among the most important standards is "accuracy," which, along with "honesty, efficiency and objective" make up the four most fundamental standards from the Office of Research Integrity. In the peer-reviewed journal Criminology, professor John Laub writes that "…facts must come first" when reviewing various approaches to criminology. The point of Laub's essay -- which basically takes Edwin Sutherland to task for Sutherland's analysis of criminology and crime research -- is that Sutherland "…rejected key facts about crime that were contrary to his sociological paradigm" (Laub, 2006, p. 239). In other words, Sutherland took a sociological view of crime and ignored those facts that were not convenient to his theory. That is as troubling as a detective ignoring facts in a murder case because they detracted from the suspect the detective thought was guilty.

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Ignoring facts is one way of being inaccurate in any criminal investigation. It goes against the research standards that the ORI has put forward. Sutherland ignored facts that had to do with: a) the early "onset of offending"; b) the decline in "offending with age"; c) the "stability of crime and deviance over life course"; and d) the role of "individual differences in crime causation" (Laub, 239).

In conclusion, when ethics are violated, whether in a corporate scenario where a whistleblower must come forward to report the unethical behavior, or in investigating crime and leaving out key facts, there must be a mitigating resolution. Following a code of conduct is the correct way to approach research into criminal activities and criminal behavior; the setting for research must be open and transparent so the results can be valid and trusted as accurate.


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