Criminology Radical and Neo-Critical Theory Term Paper

Total Length: 498 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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" Renouvier believed it was impossible to prove freedom in terms of being 'a fact'. He asserted the problem to be not only within actions but also within knowledge. Renouvier called the specific problem 'vertige mental' or a condition of psychopathological in nature, or a disturbance of rational harmony of self-possession which constitutes the essence of the personal consciousness."

In this state the individual has characteristics of hallucination. Stated is that Renouvier held that, "If all things are necessitated, then moral judgments, the notions of right and of duty, have no foundation in the nature of things.

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" Accordingly the character vested in either 'virtue or crime' is lost with sentiments and feelings losing their meaning. Renouivier argues that, "if all is necessary, if all human actions are predetermined, then popular language is guilty of a grave extravagance and appears ridiculous, insinuating, as it does, that many acts might have been left undone and many events might have occurred differently, and that a man might have done other than he did" the difference in this theory and the critical theory is the position "on the terrain of relevance." (Hil, 2002).....

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