Crisis 2008 a Plethora of Essay

Total Length: 668 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Another significant factor that affected the financial crisis of 2008 was role that Wall Street played in worsening the impact of the financial disaster that was to come. Specifically, a number of prominent Wall Street companies effectively "bought in" to the housing shortage by investing in securities that are financially supported by loans of a dubious nature. A recent report compiled by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission alludes to the fact that such investors were well aware of the substantial risk that these investments represented, yet pursued them anyway due to avaricious tendencies (Chan, 2011).

The involvement of banks in the financial crisis goes well beyond issuing loans that were of a suspect nature to people who required subprime loans. To that extent, this degree of culpability on the part of banks can actually be traced to the Securities and Exchange Commission, another federal government entity, that was decidedly lax about the requirements of banks during these hazardous lending times.
More stringent measures, such as requiring banks to have more capital on hand in the potential of shortages and losses, could have severely mitigated the overall effect of the crisis.

Still, it was the confluence of these factors that was ultimately responsible for the financial crisis in the U.S. In 2008. None of these factors alone had the potential to devastate the U.S. economy as much as the synthesis effect of all of them. Additionally, an analysis of the preceding factors alludes to the fact that in many instances, had more prudent measures been employed in both the public and private sphere, this crisis could have been avoided......

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