Critical Thinking Is Described As Thesis

Total Length: 651 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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With the debate and analysis aspects, critical thinking is, in fact, incorporated in the decision making process.

With the description of these three important elements of the decision making process (discussion, debate, and analysis), one can better understand the important and benefits of critical thinking in the decision making process. First of all, with critical thinking, everybody in the group is allowed to express and argue for his own opinion. There are several benefits deriving from this, most notably the fact that the final decision is likely to be embraced by all members in the group and the fact that the discussion and debate can generate a large volume of ideas and opinions, making the final decision one that better reflects reality.

The other great benefit comes from the analysis part of both the critical thinking and the decision making processes. The fact that critical thinking is part of the decision making process means that the decision will be ultimately based on the pertinent analysis of facts, as a further step beyond the debate and discussion. With the analysis aspect, one can ensure that all the input information in a decision making process will receive the proper attention and one will determine both if it is relevant and if it brings added value to the final solution......

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