Cte Past to Present Research Paper

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Career Technical Education (CTE) - Past to Present

This statement made in 1905 suggests that the education system is supposed to be focused on increasing the amount of time to commercial, industrial and technical training. However this is not the prevailing conditions and interests that are in existence today. Today most of the education systems mainly focus on ensuring that students from high school proceed to colleges or universities. Most people view college and university education as a peak when it comes to education achievement.one is viewed as being educated if they have successfully gone through high school and straight to college or University. Therefore today very little or no focus is put on commercial, industrial or technical education.

How apprenticeship system impacted the development of Vocational Education

Vocational education involves training for a particular vocation industry, trade or agriculture. Vocational education policy in every nation concentrates on its traditional relationship between education/training and employment. Vocational training has its roots embedded in apprenticeship.in the early day's governments and leaders saw no need for organized education systems but despite this there was the need for skilled tradesmen. Such skills were learnt in the form of an apprenticeship usually from a father or even a master in crafts. The goal of the apprentice was so that they become skilled enough to prove they are valuable. This meant that valued workers attained secure jobs and were considered to be successful in whatever job they are in. Therefore apprenticeship played a big role in the development of vocational education since vocational education was seen as a way through which people could sharpen their apprenticeship skills and even learning new skills that were very vital in the society.

The influence of Industrial Revolution on Vocational Education

The most influential factor that governs the conception of vocational education systems for the working masses is industrial revolution or basically the general industrialization that was taking place in European nations. This not only triggered economic and technological change but it also altered profoundly the structure of the society, lifestyles, interactions, political systems and types of settlement.in the wake of the industrial revolution the system of replenishing human resources went through a radical restructuring in all European countries.
This means that industrial revolution was a driving force to the development of vocational education systems since there was constant need for skilled people to work in the industries as well as continue with the process of industrial revolution.

Development of vocational education systems

When looking at the early efforts towards the development of formalized vocational education, there are some key terms that come up. Tool development this implies that there was need for the development of a tool that would be used to facilitate the vocational education system. This means that these tools had to be thoroughly thought of and constructed in order to come up with a well developed system. Another term is instructional shops, which implies that vocational educational systems have to be established in such a way that they would become instructional shops whereby learners would find all the instructions they would want for their learning process. Finally the last term is manual training. This means that the vocational education system had to be developed in such a way that it would provide students with manual training that will give them the required skills enabling them to be competent in industrial, commercial and even technical field. The manual training would give them a hand on experience and hence they would be bale to grasp required skills.

John Dewey's approach to Education/Secondary Education

John Dewey was an America psychologist, philosopher and educational reformer who brought forth ideas that were influential in education and social reform. He won a great international following due to his education reforms which shaped education systems. There are three key ideas which are associated with John Dewey's approach to education that are still being used by educators.in the 1930s,1960s and 1990s highlighted variations on these three key ideas which are; Individualism which is the notion that it is up to an individual child guided by the teacher to make sense of their experience. Second factor is readiness which is a notion that a child will….....

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