Cultural Change: Industrialization of Agriculture Essay

Total Length: 519 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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There are clearly several negatives regarding this totalitarian approach to agriculture. While some see no choice in order to increase production, others see the lessening of biological diversity becoming so severe that, if the trends continue, within 50-60 years, we will have lost most of the genetic diversity in food crops. Experts also agree that over the long-term, this corporate agricultural focus is unsustainable for the following reasons:

It creates an out-of-balance environmental system due to overuse of pesticides, monoculture, soil erosion, and concentrated animal wastes.

It concentrates market share among a small handful of firms. This removes any market-based pricing programs and results in uncompetitive markets in which consumers suffer.

Because of the lack of genetic diversity, not only are cops more prone to disease; but humans who live near the crops (cross-pollination) are more prone to food borne disease, chemical effects, and potential radition effects from crop irradiation (for freshness).

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It gives power over agricultural policy not to people who know agriculture; who know or have known how to work the land; but instead to governmental bureaucrats and lobbyists who are interested in the large scale efforts of the trade imbalance to provide continuous employment (Concern, 2009).


Concern, C.F. (2009, June). Why Corporate Agriculture is a Problem. Retrieved October 2010, from

Robins, R. (2006). Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach. Belmont, CA: Cenage.

Sarris and Hallam. (2006). Agricultural Commodoty Markets and Trade. Northampton, MA:….....

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