Cultural Relativism the Passage of Thesis

Total Length: 355 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

This ties in to the other side of Cultural Relativism mentioned in this passage, which is really the same as the first but more extreme. The author points out that under Cultural Relativism, nothing that is part of another culture could be considered immoral, as there would be no universal morality to judge it against. This passage specifically uses anti-Semitism to illustrate this point; we could not call it wrong for a society to try to destroy the Jews, and we could not even say "that a society tolerant of Jews is better than the anti-Semitic society" because it would imply some moral qualification.
The idea that it could ever be considered right to slaughter other people is abhorrent, and I don't think any human philosophy that allows for this is worth practicing. It is also not rational, as such morality would be deemed immoral if the tables were turned -- and if it doens't hold true consistently, then there can't actually be truth to that system. This is the major flaw of Cultural Relativism that this….....

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