Culture is Not Static but Always Changing Essay

Total Length: 391 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

Culture and Place?Mitchell's (1995) article, "There's no Such Thing as Culture," gives an interesting take on the conventional understanding of culture in geography. Mitchell does not deny the existence of culture; instead, he critiques the traditional conception of culture as static and argues against essentialist notions that often define it. He posits that culture is not a bounded or unchanging entity but a dynamic and contested process that is always changing due to various inputs and moving parts.This perspective has big implications for the conceptualization of place, as discussed by both Cresswell and Massey. In his introduction to "Place: A Short Introduction," Cresswell (2004) sees place as a site where meanings are contested and produced. He suggests that places are not mere backdrops but are actively involved in the production of culture. This aligns with Mitchell's view of culture as a process, emphasizing the dynamic nature of place. In other words, if culture is always in the making and is contested, then places, as sites where culture is produced and lived, are also sites of contestation.

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This means that places are not just passive backdrops but are active in terms of how culture is construed, developed, maintained, perpetuated, and interpreted.Massey (1991) also challenges in "A Global Sense of Place" the static understanding of place. She views places as products of interrelations, always evolving and constituted through interactions from local to global scales. Places are dynamic—just like culture. This perspective echoes Mitchell's argument against a localized or bounded view of culture. For Massey, just as culture is unbounded and dynamic, places too should be seen as being shaped by interactions at various scales.Ultimately, Mitchell's reconceptualization of culture as a dynamic process aligns with Cresswell's and Massey's views on place. All three scholars push against static notions, emphasizing the fluidity and contestation inherent in both culture and place. Understanding culture as a process allows for a richer appreciation of the multifaceted and ever-evolving nature of places......

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