Current Events Black Gold Friday the Economist Article Review

Total Length: 316 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Current Events

Black gold Friday

The Economist magazine recently released a piece that outlined the recent fall in gas prices. The article compares the fall in the oil price to what a similar fall would be on the stock market.

"IF IT had happened in a stockmarket, we would be talking about a crash (the equivalent decline for the Dow would be more than . Oil's 6.7% fall yesterday was all the more remarkable in that the event that triggered it - Opec's decision not to cut production (Buttonwood, 2014).

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Explanations for the drop in price range but they include a weak demand and other alternative fuels that have been gaining in popularity. However, the fall in the price for oil was significant for the entire global economy and will have many implications for sales in general.

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