Curriculum Model Term Paper

Total Length: 680 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Curriculum Models

Bellevue School District in Washington recently underwent series changes to its mathematics curriculum. The primary goal of these changes was to better prepare all students for college educations. Thus, the district implemented a subject-centered development model focusing on the discipline to help standardize mathematics education across the board and better prepare students for what they would encounter in college life.

In an era where college is so important, Bellevue School District wanted to ensure that all students graduating from high school within the district were properly prepared for college. According to the research, "Bellevue's goal was to create a coherent K -- 12 aligned mathematics curriculum with support structures for teachers and students to ensure all students would be prepared to attend and graduate from college" (Dana, 2008). The district is now partnering with higher education facilities to help build curriculum that prepare students for college. The changes were quite dramatic, but ultimately went to serve a very progressive goal. Thus, the district focused on "designing a new curriculum program with the goal of giving every student in Bellevue a first-rate, college-preparatory education -- one that would prepare students not just to be admitted to college, but also to graduate from college" (Dana, 2008).
It was a move to better provide for students of all levels and backgrounds.

Prior to implementing such changes, Bellevue was a district with intense decentralization. Each school was free to adopt its own lessons for curriculum and even the books it would use in the process. However, this often led to problems base don the concept that here was a lack of standardization. This ultimately resulted in some students not getting the same level of education compared to other schools within the district. Thus, the superintendent focused on the standardization of the district's mathematics program. Here, the research suggests that "Bellevue School District has been working to create a coherent mathematics program through mathematics curriculum alignment and teacher professional development, with the goal of having all students take and pass Precalculus (the course….....

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