Curriculum in My School Is Term Paper

Total Length: 695 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The idea of community service was also involved. The students not only got to visit a nursery, they were instructed on the benefit of trees. After their visit to the nursery, the students participated in planting several trees throughout the community.

The basic concept of expeditionary learning is beneficial to the students. However, because the school is still tied to the district, they still must meet various standards and benchmarks. These standards and benchmarks often do not fit into the expeditionary learning curriculum, thus there is often a conflict of two competing curriculums. This does not benefit the students because they end up being stuck between the two and therefore do not get the benefit of the singular curriculum. Further, the general flow of the expeditionary learning curriculum is interrupted, and the main point of teaching the children self-learning and the concept of how everything is connected is lost.

If I were in charge of the school, I would make it an expeditionary learning school and focus solely on this curriculum.
The expeditionary curriculum preserves many of the more traditional curriculum's goals, but does so in an approach that is more beneficial to this population of students. I would also make sure that all the instructors had a thorough and intense expeditionary learning background.

As it stands now, it seems many have a traditional background and do not understand the expeditionary learning concept themselves. This also hinders the student's success.

Unfortunately, these changes are not possible because the school is a public school. Further, it is not feasible to make it a private school because that would close of access to the lower socico-economic population that the curriculum is intended to benefit the most. Until charter schools are given public finance but more curriculum independence, the full benefit will not be seen......

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