Data Input Accuracy Term Paper

Total Length: 912 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Data Input Accuracy

Why Accuracy of Data Input is Important

The continuous operation in today's many systems depends on the accuracy of data that the systems use. As the amount of data increases, it is critical to ensure that every data input and used in a system is error-free to eliminate unwanted system problems.

Computer systems, software, and applications are basically created to provide efficiency in accomplishing a task. If the data used by a system is inaccurate, what help and sense will a computer system provide to its users? Accuracy of data input is important because data is considered as the life of a successful system operation. Jack Olson has the following view on the importance of data. Such importance provides the reason why accuracy of data input is similarly important.

Corporate databases are filled with data that reflects their business activities. This data is collected through routine business processes. However, its usefulness goes far beyond the operational applications that generate it. Corporations have been using data in data warehouses and decision support systems, integrating with other applications and connecting with external applications over the Internet. Data is more precious than ever before as the uses of data expands.

There are diverse methods used by businesses and companies to input data into their systems. This includes manual script, external keyboard input, optical image scan input, graffiti input, automated input from other sources, manual locating device input, voice input, etc. Following are recommendations on which method of data input would be best for the several situations.

Printed Questionnaires

As its name implies, printed questionnaires is a form of document that is printed or written on any writing material such as the paper.

In this type of situation, the method of data input that would best to apply is the manual script method.

Printed questionnaires are basically something that is on the form of a hard copy. The easiest way to input data on such is to write on the questionnaire manually. It would be impractical to use other methods of data input, such as optimal image scan, to provide an answer to every question. Moreover, since questionnaires generally need honest and reliable answers, information that come directly from the person who fills-up the questionnaire, and are directly provided by the person through his own penmanship can be considered as accurate data. This is of course unless the person is not honest in providing his answers. The reliability of such manually scripted information best applies to opinion-based questionnaires.

Telephone Survey

For telephone surveys, as its name implies, is generally conducted with the use of telephones. Such survey may involve an operator who speaks to a participant, asks questions, and input the participant's answers to a computer. It….....

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