Databases and Groupware Comparing Groupware Term Paper

Total Length: 771 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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What's becoming the collaborative catalyst of making teams work more efficiently together has been the transparency and immediacy of information now available in these collaborative workspaces, creating increased trust throughout groups in the process. Development teams no longer have to rely on just a single team person to gain access to a drawing or document, these collaborative workspaces or portals can provide check-in/check-out functionality for any document a team chooses to share. Further, these integration of databases, not possible before, makes it possible for teams to gain greater insights into how their teams' efforts can be augmented and increased by better data and information.

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The use of taxonomies that are specifically designed to support the processes that teams use to complete tasks is now also possible within groupware applications, a feature not available in previous applications. The bottom line is that groupware is augmenting the collaboration necessary to ensure global development teams are successfully attaining their objectives, made possible with greater levels of database integration than has been possible in the past......

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