Why I Desire to Pursue a Dental Education Term Paper

Total Length: 360 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Desire to Pursue a Dental Education

My desire for Dental School admission is basically based on my desire to help the less fortunate members of our society. As an immigrant to this country, I have faced many challenges during the last few years and know from experience what it is to be of unfortunate circumstance.

I was born and raised in Korea. In 1996, during my 10th grade year in high school, my family and I moved to the United States. During my first three years in this country, I faced many difficulties and challenges adjusting to a new language and culture.

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However, I have learned that persistence and dedication can overcome most of life's challenges. I have succeeded in adjusting to the American culture and have mastered the English language. Moreover, I have excelled in my studies.

After high school, I began my educational studies by enrolling at Santa Monica College. My goal was to transfer to a prestigious university such as University of California Los Angeles, UCLA. Again I discovered that persistence and determination enables one….....

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