Developing a Question Understanding Issues Capstone Project

Total Length: 1526 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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adult Mexican-Americans that have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes observe obstacles to applying nutritional and lifestyle changes in order to decrease A1C stages in the first 2 months right after they have been diagnosed with the condition?

P- (population) adult Mexican-Americans with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

(issue of interest) recognized barricades to applying lifestyle and nutritional changes.

(comparison group) There is not any suitable comparison group that is of any kind of interest.

O- (outcome) A1C levels that are downgraded.

T- (time frame) initial diagnosis done about 2 months later.

The setting and/or context in which the problem, issue, or educational deficit can be observed.

The setting of the problem takes place in Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital among nurses. Nurses are having a problem managing and accepting change that is needed to take place. There is a pressing need for nurses to contribute and, in many situations, take the lead in dealing with change in clinical practice in order to make the quality of care better. The significance of the role of forefront workforce in service development is emphasized in the NHS Leadership Framework (Sherman, 2012). This recognizes the ability to influence and manage change as vital skills for bringing in new models of care. It sponsors evolving the skills of the whole workforce in leading improvement and improvement to produce a climate of unceasing service development.

On the other hand, while most individuals have the potential to lead in a specific condition they may not have the self-assurance to do so. It appears that the nurses at the job are lacking the knowledge of the theory and tools in order to help them when the opportunity comes up.

Detailed description of the problem

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital has been facing one of the challenging problem is staffing. The staff wounds, absences, and turnover are the main issues in Phoebe Putney Nursing care. The major sources of wounds to nursing care workers are picking up and moving patients and over doing it. These injuries issues will contribute to the work-related nonattendance and turnover in Phoebe Putney nursing care. At the moment, turnover is the one of the problems that are having a huge impact on the performance and profitability of Phoebe Putney Nursing Care. Nurses having been leaving the business by the droves. With that said, "Voluntary" or " undesirable" turnover takes place when a nurse chooses to leave their job. There have been incidents when some have actually just walked off of the job. Other times, they just chose not to show up to work. Just a few weeks ago, there were two incidents where nurses went to lunch and just never came back. Having all these nurses to just walk away, negatively impacts Phoebe Putney care in a variety of ways.

Impact of the Problem, on the work environment

The constant turnover rate is effecting Phoebe Putney in a huge way. For example, this involves the decreased quality of patient care. Because nurses are unhappy, they are not giving the proper care to the patients. This causes the patients to be unhappy and in the end, it results in the loss of patients. Other things that if effects are the increased accident and absence rates. Workers are then forced to work harder and sometimes much longer hours. This has to be done just to make up for the lack of an adequately sized nursing staff. Phoebe Putney Nursing Care now has another dilemma on their hands, hiring new employee. This came up under scrutiny of Government obligation to hire skilled worker or registered nurse in nursing care business.

Gravity of the problem and its significance to Nursing

The problem is nurses demand the mechanical equipment to lifting patients and move patients from place to another place in order to stop stress, heavy and load injuries. All of these demands impact the other job turnover. Phoebe Putney is not willing to purchase mechanical equipment for the reason that it is cost adjusted. This will raise the contribution price and having an impact on the profitability of Phoebe Putney nursing care.

Proposed solution to address the problem, issue, or educational deficit

Situations or actions that place psychological or physical demands on individuals throughout time will cause stress. Both physical and mental stress are necessary for healthy and normal growth plus moderate amounts in the workplace can raise production.

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Nevertheless if not managed in the right way, stress can get to the point where it leads a person to burnout in addition to physical difficulties. In the place of work, one of the chief reasons of stress is the feeling of imbalance or unfair treatment. Stress management that is effective speaks to employees both physically and psychologically. Single and cost-effective treatment at the workplace consist of requirements for physical exercise and music with suggestions for getting the proper rest, diet, and being able to think properly. Management can also redistribute tasks and offer more work schedules that are flexible. Place of work stress is expensive for the reason that it can cause nonattendance, medical costs, increased sick leave and, and high turnover proportions.

Phoebe Putney needs to be able to give some relaxation programs to the staff such as yoga and meditation, yoga in order for them to get some kind of relaxation. It aids individuals to reduce stress for the time being and also decrease the warning signs of stress. There are only a few hospitals that have already recognized this for their employees (Sherman, 2012). This needs to be implemented in the organization. Another plan that the hospital could use is biofeedback system which would be a huge benefit for the nurses. Piloting regular medical examinations to the employees, would be very helpful for the nurses. The feedback is beneficial because it provides the bio data of all the staffs in which the brain waves, and heartbeats are measured. Phoebe Putney should be able to coordinate some of the programs that are allowing vacation leaves in order to encourage stress relief and personal education (Huston, 2013). And likewise consist of some personal wellness program that the nurses can use with their families. All these programs certainly will be able to bring down the stress of those that are part of the staff.

Phoebe Putney can also make available counseling sections to the nurses. It will them cope with difficult circumstances that are causing a lot of stress. It pursues to staff's psychological health. Good psychological health means that individuals will feel really good about themselves. It also means that they will feel right about other individuals, and are able to meet the stresses of life. Therapy usually is confidential so that workers will feel comfortable about being able to talk openly about their complications.

Part III

1. How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?

Dealing with burnout in hospitals is considered to be a rising problem in most articles. However, in some articles it is not seen as the main reason why nurses are having burnout. Also, quite a few of the articles centered in on the fact that the burnout comes due to the resistance of change in the workplace. The hypothesis are produced and do yield a vital outcome.

2. Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?

Each article has done some kind of a study or investigation that has presented a feature or other of the concern. With that said, the articles were able to provide empirical indication on the issue, given the amount of individuals that partook in the study that have the issue of interest.

3. What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?

Tired and disheartened (50%); discouraged and saddened by what they could not provide for their patients because of feeling really stressed out

4. Does each article support your proposed change?

Even though not everyone of the articles supported mentions introduction of other methods, some articles inspire the using relax programs in order to cut down on the stress. A lot of the articles do mention anything about a solution to the problem but to admit that there needs to be a solution.


Huston, C. (2013). The Impact of Emerging Technology on Nursing Care: Warp Speed Ahead. Impact of Emerging Technology, 13(2).

Schneiderman, N. (2012). Prevalence of Diabetes Among Hispanics/Latinos From Diverse Backgrounds: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Diabetes Care, 18(6).

Sherman, R. O. (2012). Leading a Multigenerational Nursing Workforce: Issues, Challenges and Strategies. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 11(2), 45-87.

Twibell, R. (2012). Trust in the workplace: Build it,.....

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