Diaspora Cast Jews in Socio-Religious Essay

Total Length: 535 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Worshipping is typically performed in synagogues that replaced the historical Temple initially meant to provide Jews with a praying location. Jewish religious rulers are called rabbis and they control the many ceremonies and customs that are very important in Jewish religious tradition.

Synagogues appeared consequent to the destruction of the Second Temple by Titus, son of Emperor Vespasian in 70 A.D. Although this is considered to be the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora, it actually began approximately six centuries earlier, at the time when the Babylonians conquered the kingdom of Judea and destroyed the First Temple. Ever since this moment, Jews scattered around the world and are presently located in a wide range of countries. Most of them have expressed a particular desire to return to their traditional home. While there are presently approximately 14 million Jews in the world, only about five million live in Israel with the other 9 million living in Diaspora.

Some of the most significant populations of Jews are located in North America and Europe, but there are also large communities in countries such as Mexico, Morocco, and Australia. The European Jewish community is experiencing a general demographic challenge as it grows older and as many individuals emigrate. The Australian Jewish community has experienced a recent increase in numbers as a result of the fact that many Jews migrated from countries located in the former Soviet Union and in South Africa. Asian Jewish communities are smaller and it appears that Jews are generally reluctant about settling on the continent.


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