Difficult One. The First Thing Essay

Total Length: 635 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Do not ask your teacher for further explanations or elucidations as it will appear as if you didn't understand the course. Do not review anything you have learned as it might be possible to forget everything on a second reading.

Do not practice for the exam and do not test yourself on what you have learned as you will want to keep your mind as clear as possible. Whether the test is an oral or a written examination it will be a good idea not to insist on the format and just use a neutral form of study. Do not look for any key knowledge in your subject and do not structure your material before learning, as it can be confusing. Try to memorize a minimal amount of facts and never attempt to have a broader picture of the importance of the subject. It wouldn't be a good idea to try to anticipate what the exam will be like or to prepare yourself for it. The best thing to do is to spend as little time on anticipation as possible.

Another important step in your preparation would be to skip anything that may seem difficult in your process of study. Each time you encounter difficult material that requires some time to pore over, pass on to another part of the course. You can start learning at any part of the course and ignore the parts that you don't like.

Do not try to test your own knowledge before the exam or prepare in a detailed manner. It is best to let things happen and not to worry about what you have understood or memorized. Moreover, you should not plan anything before the test, whether your time or your learning strategies but rather leave everything as it is.

These tips will certainly help you through the studying process and the results will be obvious after….....

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