Discipline That Has Established Itself Essay

Total Length: 658 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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In the same vein, Morris & Wood (1988) argue that, because of humanism's strong focus on self-actualization and thus self-acceptance, there exists a natural conflict between it and primary tenets of orthodox Christianity; sin is widely regarded among orthodox Christians as something of which to be ashamed, while humanism strives to help the individual achieve self-acceptance. A serious issue is presented here -- humanists wishing to treat orthodox Christians are faced with the decision to tell them their religion is wrong or deny treatment. Complicating the matter is the fact that some argue that acceptance of sin is itself a step toward self-actualization (Morris & Wood, 1988). This point is not recognized by the humanistic view and as such, humanistic tests measuring amount of self-actualization in orthodox Christians may be inaccurate (Morris & Wood, 1988). Humanism is ill-equipped to deal with orthodox Christianity and non-Western cultures.

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Hanks suggests that a more appropriate humanism would be one that addresses the "centuries of...wisdom and a collectivistic worldview" to address the theory's anticultural qualities; that the humanistic approach must adapt to address the psychological realities of today's globalized society by recognizing the innate human need for interconnectedness and understanding the self in relation to others rather than simply understanding the self (2008). In notable contrast, a study by Watson, Wood & Morris has shown no correlation between narcissism and humanistic values (1988). Complicating the picture, though, is that the same study showed that religiosity and narcissism had an inverse relationship. Thus, to reduce narcissism, humanistic psychologists might do well to promote religiosity. This dilemma is a fair illustration of the ethnocentric limitations that humanism faces in today's diverse world......

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