Disease in the News: The Thesis

Total Length: 629 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Additionally, those who consume poultry that is either raw or undercooked are stated to be "at an increased risk for avian influenza." (The New York Times, 25 Feb 2009)


Viruses such as the avian flu viruses which are highly infectious are shown to "survive in the environment for long period of time." (he New York Times, 25 Feb 2009) Additionally the article relates that one may become infected through "touching contaminated surfaces." (he New York Times, 25 Feb 2009) Another problem is that birds that somehow recover from the bird influenza "can continue to shed the virus in their feces and saliva for as long as 10 days." (he New York Times, 25 Feb 2009) Additionally workers in health care and the household contact "of patients with avian influenza may also be at an increased risk of the bird flu." (he New York Times, 25 Feb 2009)

Symptoms of the avian flu infection is dependent upon the strain of the virus that the individual becomes infected with however, the infection H5N1 causes "classic flu-like symptoms" including:

Cough (dry or productive);

Sore Throat;

Fever higher than 100.4°F (38°C);

Difficulty breathing;


Runny nose;


Malaise; and Muscle Aches.
(The New York Times, 25 Feb 2009)

Examinations and tests that one might need if they have been exposed to avian influenza include:

Chest x-ray;

Nasopharngeal culture;

Blood differential; and Auscultation. (The New York Times, 25 Feb 2009)


The article in The New York Times provides good solid information about the infectious disease Avian Influenza and its history, background and spread of the virus. The article also provides sound information about how this disease might be contracted and what one might do to avoid the disease. The author is a solid source with the appropriate background and credentials to report on this infectious disease......

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