Distribution Systems an Assessment of Term Paper

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.. (p. 333)."


Workload Quantification

The first subtopic in this area is the scalability of agent-based architectures supporting transaction-based Web Services. Specifically focusing on transaction velocities' cumulative effects on Web Services and agent-based architecture performance, this area of the research looks to validate or refute a series of hypotheses that will be used for constructing a Web Services transaction performance model.

The second topic in workload quantification is measuring network path optimization and ACID-compliant aspects of transaction flows based on secured Web Services. Specifically examining the stability and security of a transaction-centric networks using Web Services at the application layer and agent-based architectures that seek network and transaction optimization while interpreting and countering potential security threats is the research objective. Using constraint modeling to define the optimal mix of these attributes form the foundation of the methodology for researching this second subtopic.


The first subtopic is an assessment of SOAP's contribution or detraction of overall transaction performance through agent-based Web Services architectures.

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The use of Distribution Object Computing middleware needs to be evaluated from a transaction speed and accuracy perspective.

The second subtopic is an assessment of traditional architectures including CORBA vs. agent-based Web Services that require platforms that are capable of optimizing routing algorithms and routing transactions in real-time to attain higher cumulate transaction velocity and greater security.

System Infrastructure

The first subtopic in this section is an analysis of cyber foraging to create composite-based order tracking and order status applications across virtually any cellular telephone and communications platform. These composite applications would be defined using the agent-based architecture of Web Services-based order management systems and through the use of integration to dominant cellular system architectures (Android from Google for example) cyber foraging would then be used for creating composite applications.

A second subtopic in the area of systems infrastructure is the use of dependable distribution systems and latent semantic indexing technology to gain comparative pricing, availability and relative order velocity data across an….....

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