Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen Term Paper

Total Length: 1525 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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She appears very confident of her own abilities and desires. The movie emphasizes the issue of feminism and gender empowerment as one of the central if not the central theme of the entire story. This is decidedly not true of Ibsen's work, which focuses much more on the distinct social roles that individual's play and the undercurrents of domestic society. This change was most likely instituted in order to create more attention for the movie and to promote greater sales. Also, the application of Nora's story in modern society would naturally be changed into a feminist struggle not only due to its era, but that this is one of the problems that one can identify.
Whereas within Ibsen's time period, the development of feminism had not progressed to a point where women would question the need for individualism. Thus, Ibsen's approach to the play is very much justified by the time period that they occupied and similarly, the movie and Fonda's experiences can also be justified by the time period and era that the movie was made. Both versions of the Doll's House is incredible in its development and conclusion, they both captured the development of a woman in crisis and her eventual transition from complacency to liberation. It is a profoundly interest study of suburban life and the relationships….....

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