Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen Term Paper

Total Length: 1000 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Kristine Linde and Nils Krogstad are apparently two minor characters in Henrik Ibsen's play 'Doll's House'. When we meet them for the very first time, they are both surrounded by unfortunate circumstances. Kristine was Mrs. Linde windowed some ten years ago and finally returning to her town to acquire a job at the bank where Torvald Helmer is the manager. Nils Krogstad is in a subordinate position at the very same back and he is a widower with several children. Kristine and Krogstad had been close acquaintances at one time in the past. This is clear from Kristine's initial reaction at seeing Krogstad at Nora's house and her confession that she knew him.

Nora. A lawyer, of the name of Krogstad.

Mrs. Linde. Then it really was he.

Nora. Do you know the man?

Mrs. Linde. I used to -- many years ago. At one time he was a solicitor's clerk in our town

Krogstad was the more sincere one of the two in this case. Kristine Linde left him for money and summarizing their past relationship, Krogstad says 'a heartless woman jilts a man when a more lucrative chance turns up." Krogstad clearly loved her a great deal since even after several years of being apart, he is gentle to her and tells her just how painful it was to see Kristine leave him for another man. "When I lost you, it was as if all the solid ground went from under my feet. Look at me now -- I am a shipwrecked man clinging to a bit of wreckage.
" Kristine explains that she did it for her two younger brothers and aging mother. The two finally get back together.

Nils Krogstad is responsible for sending the letter to Torvald Helmer. But it is Kristine Linde who is responsible for having Helmer finally read it. Krogstad sent the letter exposing the crime of Nora when he realized that he might lose his job to Kristine. Krogstad was known for his morally corrupt character and he sought revenge as soon as he came to learn of his termination. In his anger, he decided to meet with Nora to inform her of her husband's decision and to seek her influence in changing this decision. Nora refused to help since he couldn't possibly exert influence on her husband.

Krogstad (changing his tone). Mrs. Helmer, you will be so good as to use your influence on my behalf.

Nora. What? What do you mean?

Krogstad. You will be so kind as to see that I am allowed to keep my subordinate position in the Bank.

Nora tries to convince Helmer to let Krogstad keep his job but that doesn't make a dent in her husband's decision and as the result of this, Nora's crime is exposed in a letter to Helmer. However before this letter could be read, Kristine meets Krogstad and the two get back together which urges Krogstad to get his letter back. At this point, Kristine….....

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