Dolls Within the Patriarchal Society Term Paper

Total Length: 1695 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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" Otherwise, Nora's interest in who is employed at the bank -- Krogstad or Mrs. Lind -- would wholly ruin Torvald's carefully constructed social reality. This, essentially, is the only way in which a woman playing the feminine role is able to bend the rules; Nora can exert her influence, but only by emphasizing her helplessness.

Throughout A Doll's House there is an interesting relationship between parents and their children. Recurrently, we are told that both Nora and Torvald believe that a vast number of traits can be passed down to children through their parents. Foremost among these traits are those dealing with money. Torvald suggests that Nora's capacity as a spendthrift comes from her father: "Still, one must take you as you are. It is in the blood; for indeed it is true that you can inherit these things, Nora." (Ibsen, 4). Yet overall, the characteristics that Nora and Torvald -- as well as Dr. Rank -- believe to be heritable tend to be those of morality. Put differently, those who are immoral are likely to have children who are immoral. This is why Nora's abandonment of her children can be perceived as a sacrifice for their benefit, in addition to being an act to preserve her own moral existence.

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So, Nora believes that her false role possesses the capability to rub-off on her children: her children will lead the same hollow lives she has, if she continues to act falsely

Overall, Nora's life with Torvald has been a farce: "You never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me." (Ibsen, 66). Nora eventually realizes that she has merely taken up a graduated role from the one she played in her father's home; she remains an interesting figure-piece to be put on display. There is no true love in Torvald's household because he will not allow himself to know her as a human being. So Nora concludes that she was never happy, but only merry -- somewhat content to act as she did, in order to enjoy the security of being in Torvald's doll house. When Nora leaves, therefore, it is for her own well-being, her children's, and Torvald's: real happiness is preferable to the playroom that patriarchal society….....

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