Dramatizing the Simple Subject Film Review

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Where Is The Friends House Directed By Abbas KiarostamiThe film Where is the Friend’s House by Abbas Kiarostami is a film about goodness and innocence in the face of danger and challenges. Ahmad is a schoolboy who accidentally takes his friend Mohammad’s school book home with him. Mohammad is already in trouble for not doing his work, and if he fails to do it one more time he will be expelled. Ahmad spends all day looking for his friend so that he can give him his book, but he never finds his house so instead he stays up at night doing the work for his friend, and the next day at school he gives Mohammad his book and the work passes the teacher’s inspection. The story is so simple yet so elegantly told that the subject is seen to have great importance not because it is a grand subject of great importance but because it is important to these boys. We see the world through their eyes and for the course of a day we see what it means to be truly giving of self—even if the stakes are probably not as high as they imagine them to be. It is a fantastic dramatization of a simple matter that to children takes on larger than life consequences—and that sense of a thing having larger than life consequences is expertly conveyed through Kiarostami’s use of…

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…often at the center of the frame.
Finally, the story and the dramatization of the action are really the heart of the film. They serve as the main pillars: the story is simple but it is full of tension and the tension mounts as the boy discovers the mistake and then sets about trying to right the mistake. All the way up to the climax and the final resolution which is the very last shot of the film, the viewer is really on the edge of his seat—and there is no need for big car chases or action. We are so engrossed in the drama of this notebook that we are hoping with the boys that it passes the teacher’s….....

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