Drug Control Policy Drug Abuse Thesis

Total Length: 980 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In their efforts to put an end to the presence of drugs on U.S. territory, authorities have implemented tougher drug laws. "Congressman Barr has described the "War on Drugs" as a war for the very lives of our children." (Williams, Juan 2001)

Even if there have been divergences in the past between the American government and drug abusers, it has not been until the 1970s that the actual war against drugs started. In 1971 President Nixon had made it clear that authorities are determined to stop drugs from having anything to do with the U.S.

The drug war continued in the years following Nixon's administration with even harsher policies. Coming at the U.S. presidency, President Reagan started a massive anti-drug campaign with the Anti-Drug Abuse Acts of 1986 and 1988. The campaign involved the government giving a set of actions meant to finance money for drug-related incidents.

The Bush Administration was to take the drug-war to a whole new level with the establishing of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in 1989. All the administrations to follow had continued to support and to finance the drug wars. However, the only visible result that the drug wars have had is the fact that the prisons in the U.
S. have filled with people having committed drug-related felonies.

Even with the fact that the U.S. is currently conducting the biggest anti-drug campaign ever to exist, drugs are still continue to flow into the country in very large quantities. In order for their fight against drugs to be effective, the U.S. authorities need to rethink their strategy concerning treatment and prevention of illegal substances.

Drugs present a threat for everyone taking them and for anyone coming to contact with someone that has abused them. Drugs distort one's abilities to perceive reality, and as a result, numerous crimes are being committed every year by persons having consumed drugs.


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