Durkheim and Modernity Glossary: Anomie Term Paper

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Cases of altruistic suicide can be found amongst cult members and the military.

Social facts are the aggregate of individual actions. Social facts (or forces) are the influences that affect the individual by society. As society is made up of individuals, these forces are created by the individual society members, and thus the aggregate of their individual actions.

Social norms are effective, because individuals decide rationally that it is in their interest to obey them.

The need to belong is a powerful motivating factor for humankind. In addition, society determines what is an acceptable course of behavior through their social norms. Therefore, a majority of individuals will make the decision to act appropriately because of their desire to be a part of that society, without question, making it very effective.

As noted, the desire to be a part of society often leads to individuals succumbing to social norms without truly questioning these norms.

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This does not bode well for individual autonomy.

Social norms are continuously restricting an individual's freedom and thus autonomy.

Although one could argue that it's one's own free will that makes them choose to follow social norms, societal pressure often is so strong that it forces individuals to make decisions it may not otherwise make.

Because of the transient nature of social norms, deviance is ascribed to an individual by the society they are a part of.

Deviance in one society may be perfectly in line with the social norms of another. It is not the individual's actions that are deviant, it is the society's perception of their actions that deems them deviant. Without the societal filter, the actions are merely actions. It is only through the gilded eye of society that they then garner the label of deviance......

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