Duties of the Senior Contracting White Paper

Total Length: 720 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In addition, the SCO is also responsible for coordinating inter-command agreements that set forth the details of contracting support relationships between United States armed forces and coordinating operational plans or requirements that originate with the Joint Staff as well as the provision of host nation support, status of forces agreement, assistance in kind agreements, or any treaties for Contingency Contracting Officer review (Contracting Officer's Authority, 2011).

This final responsibility also requires a high level of expertise and experience in the relevant field. For example, Bianca reports that, "Senior level contracting requires more knowledge of the impact of business trends and new laws on an organization. The contracting function, under the supervision of a senior contracting officer, must help the organization achieve its strategic goals" (2010, p. 2). With respect to the coordination of joint contracting operations, Bianca adds that, "A senior contracting officer may resolve issues and disputes, terminate or renegotiate contracts in which contractors perform poorly and account for his or her department to external agencies" 2010, p. 3). Finally, the lines of authority within which senior contracting officials operate is illustrated in Figure 1 at Appendix a.

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The research showed that the responsibilities of the Senior Contracting Official are wide ranging and of critical importance to the accomplishment of the Department of Defense mission to safeguard the nation and its interests at home and abroad. These responsibilities included providing contracting oversight and assessments of organizations they are responsible for, overseeing and assessing the effectiveness of contracting programs, issuing contracting warrants and determine delegated warrant authorities, participating in the Acquisition Review Board Process, managing and executing procurement management reviews to ensure contract office is following procedures and coordinating joint contracting operations......

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