E-Commerce Assessing the Effectiveness of Essay

Total Length: 565 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Comparability speaking, the direct mail piece would generate the interest, the call to action would be an 800 number, and the telemarketer would respond to the prospect. This would put more reliance on the prospect to respond. With digitally based advertising and marketing communications channels, the response rates are typically higher than 6 -- 7% as it just takes a click of a mouse to get opt-in to proceed with a sales cycle (Pauwels, Weiss, 2008).

Due to the speed of online advertising and marketing communication, and the high level of traceability it provides in terms of digitizing all activity, many marketers have favored these methods globally.

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Marketing Sherpa, a marketing consultancy firm recently published an analysis of these channels (Marketing Sherpa, 2011). Their analysis indicates that marketers will increase spending on websites by 64%, search engine optimization (SEO) by 62%, social media, 53$ and e-mail by 53% throughout 2011. The study also shows that spending on online display advertising will increase 41%. Direct mail will however decrease by 25%, and print ads, 37% (Marketing Sherpa, 2011).


The ability to track results in real-time online is turning into a major catalyst of marketing spending change. The shift from direct-based approaches to advertising and marketing communications is in the process of.....

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